Paul Hodgson

Chief Technology Officer

Paul Hodgson

Chief Technology Officer

Paul is an avid academic and engineering specialist who has spent his career committed to academic research, teaching and facilitating renewable energy start-ups. A Research Associate for the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge, Paul carries a wealth of knowledge in chemical engineering and biotechnology and continues his academic research in carbon capture for the steel industry, amongst a variety of other energy-related projects.

Paul is a Bye-fellow of Churchill College and holds a PhD focused on biofuels in Chemical Engineering with the University of Cambridge. He began his career in engineering as a Research Engineer at Technology Farm Limited, where he soon discovered his passion for research and development. Paul has since devoted his career to R&D projects for product improvement within the industrial gases and renewable energy industries, where he has worked on developing disruptive ideas to proof-of-concept stage, building theoretical models and carrying out IP work.

A key asset in founding NanoSUN in 2017, Paul now sits as Chief Technology Officer to the business, providing valuable technical insights, key industry opinions and support, whilst maintaining the organisation’s academic and professional relationships, to initiate and integrate innovative technology into NanoSUN’s products.

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