Graham Cooley


Graham Cooley


Graham is Chairman of H2 Green, a wholly own subsidiary of GeTech, M&A Advisor to Pineapple Power, a member of the UK Government’s Hydrogen Advisory Council, and a Board member of RenewableUK.

Graham has been involved with a wide range of companies nearly all connected to the cleantech sector. He has successfully led numerous transactions and raised substantial investment capital. His early career was in the power sector where he was Business Development Manager for National Power (now RWE) and International Power (now Engie). Graham was CEO of Sensortec, founding CEO of Metalysis, a spin out from Cambridge University, and founding CEO of Antenova. Graham has a PhD in physics, an MBA, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Metals, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), The Energy Institute (FEI), and The Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET). In December 2022, he was awarded a Lifetime Fellowship Award from The Bessemer Society.

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